Travel Stamp

Day 4-6 — Venice

“Ahhhhhh Venice” – Indiana Jones

Gelato flavors: Cafe (again) and caramella. Verdict: Even going to the place that Rick Steves mentions as the best in Venice, I still find the cafe flavor a bit of a dissapointment, nothing has matched the cafe gelato in Milan… It is all still very good of course, but still…

Venice is spectacular of course, and spectacularly crowded, and spectacularly easy to get lost in as well, which we did, quite a lot actually. Still, we managed to fit quite a lot in. The Doge’s Palace, The Basilica, The Correr museum… and a whole lot of walking around.

One thing I didn’t find was an open internet connection, so I apologize for the radio silence. I’ve managed to find an open connection in the square a few yards from our very charming hotel here in Florence, however, so I hope to post another update tomorrow. I’ll fill you in on the fantastic gelato coincedence we discovered today.

We have one more day in Florence and then we head for Lucca.

A domanie.

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