Posts Tagged ‘washington d.c.’
Oct 12th, 2006
New York and DC Photos
I’ve done a little bit of a site overhaul, but most of it is behind the scenes. You shouldn’t notice much difference unless you are using Explorer 6 on a PC, in which case the graphics should be working correctly now. If you notice anything that’s broken, please let me know and I will fix it.
Also, I’ve put up some photos from out New York/DC trip. You can find them by clicking on the link to the right or right here.
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Oct 3rd, 2006
Notes From A Vacation—Part 2: D.C.
Last post I covered our time in New York, so this time it’s all about our three and a half days in Washington, D.C.
Our flight from NY to DC left at 6 o’clock in the morning on Thursday the 21st. Which meant we had to get up at four in the morning in order to be ready to leave by 5. It was tuff, let me tell you. And J was nice enough to get up that early to take us to the airport. Our flight actually ended up getting canceled, so we had to go on the 6:30 instead.
We were staying at the Tabard Inn in the Dupont Circle neighborhood, but since we got into DC at 7:30 we weren’t sure what to do with our bags, but after a minor misstep we settled on going to the hotel and storing them in their luggage room.
Having settled that we walked over to the National Geographic Society where they had a couple of really good photography exhibits and an exhibit on extinct animals.
We went from there to make a quick stop at Fahrney’s Pens to see what there was to see. I escaped with only buying a bottle of Mont Blanc English Racing Green fountain pen ink, which I haven’t been able to find in Seattle, and for $2 cheaper than it would have been here if I could.
That day we also strolled by the White House (I was going to say hit, but now that King George has been given absolute power by his pals in congress I better watch what I say) to snap a few shots (photos, that is). As well as the WWII Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. At which time we were both completely knackered, so we went back to the hotel for a short nap.
That night we headed out to Arlington, VA to visit J and R and catch up. I’m glad we got to see them before the move to Cuba!
On Friday we decided to go to the zoo to see the baby Panda (and the other animals of course) but the Panda was not making things easy. The first time we stopped by their enclosure, the momma and baby were inside and the papa was sleeping. The second time we checked in on them, the baby was up in the tree and safely hidden from prying eyes and camera lenses. And the third time, mamma and baby were off in corner nursing and too far away to get a clear shot.
I did get a few good shots of the papa bear chowing down on bamboo.
We actually ended up spending the whole day at the zoo and in the surrounding Adams Morgan neighborhood, which has a lot of funky/cool shops and restaurants. We had some delicious poboys at a New Orleans style restaurant.
That night we had a very nice diner in the restaurant at our hotel. The food was outstanding.
That’s all for now. I should have my pictures ready to put up soon, so stay tuned for those as well.
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Sep 13th, 2006
New York/DC
As of Saturday my baby and I will be on vacation. First we head to New York for four days and then D.C. for four days.
I will hopefully be blogging a bit from the road, and will at the very least be moblogging photos here with the help of my newish phone.
So stay tuned for that, and when I return, I will be posting up photo’s from our trip not taken with me phone.
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