Feb 6th, 2007
San Francisco
With all my posting about and planning for our France trip I have neglected to mention our other upcoming trip.
Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and bought our plane tickets for our trip to San Francisco in April. I’d been holding out in the vain hope that prices would drop a little, but as the exact opposite was happening, I decided we’d better just go ahead and get them before it was too late. We try to go down to SF every year for Passover, and mostly we do. We had to skip it the year we went to Eastern Europe, of course, but you have to have priorities.
No definite plans yet apart from Passover, but we have other friends in the city we will visit. Wine tasting will probably be on the itinerary again, and we will most likely go visit Irene’s cousins up the coast as well. Sadly due to the ridiculously restrictive new airline reservations, we will probably not be bringing back any wine with us.
Maybe we’ll go get a mud bath again, that was lots of fun.
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