Posts Tagged ‘paris’

Travel Stamp

Sardonic Dog

Sardonic Dog

Originally uploaded by fauxbro.

I know I still haven’t posted any of the photos from our trip yet. I’ve put a lot of them up on Flickr, but haven’t got around to making a separate page for them yet.

In the meantime, I’ll post some of my favorites, like this dog.

Look at that face!


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Travel Stamp

Back To Reality

We got home last night at around 10:30 after spending way to much time on planes and transferring between planes and getting to airports. The cats were very pleased to see us, but were well looked after while we were gone.

I have many thoughts on our trip and of course a couple thousand photos to troll through looking for gold. I’ll get started on that right away. I’ll post more about our trip (and perhaps a few of the small number of sketches I did) this weekend after I’ve had a bit of time to decompress and unpack and do all the returning to normal life things that one must do after a long trip.

Including starting the planning for our next trip: Mexico! But that trip is a long way off.

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Travel Stamp

Last Day In Paris

We just got back from Versailles where we spent most of the day touring the grounds and getting burnt to a crisp. Really need to find some sunscreen before we hit the South. Right now we are doing laundry and later tonight we have tentative plans to meet up with Marion for a drink.
These French key boards are very difficult to get used to.
Tomorrow morning we head for provence. Sad to leave Paris, excited to see what's next. 


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Travel Stamp

Bonjour encore

Ken says:
We are five days into our trip and have been running around like mad people. We've done the Louvre, the Arc, the d'Orsay, Ste-Chapelle, and beaucoup walking around. Beacoup!
Last night we were meant to catch up with France at the Arc, but she never turned up. So we popped in here (Cyber Cube) to see if she left us an email, which she did. Hopefully we'll meet up with her tonight.
A week in Paris seems like a long time, but it's still not nearly long enough. I feel like we'll still miss half the things on the list. We'll just have to come back.
Irene says:
Paris lives up to its reputation and more so.  My impression is it's endless.   After my office job, my feet will soon be going on strike, so perhaps it's just as well that we are headed for the quieter South of France in just a few days – Friday morning.  In the meanwhile, I'm absorbing this amazing city at the rate I best can.  As for hoping to see it all.  C'est impossible, alas.
Best thoughts and wishes. 
Irene and Ken


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Travel Stamp

Greetings from Paris

I type this from France’s computer (our friend France, of course, not the country, it would be absurd if there was only one computer for all of France). We landed yesterday at 9:40 am and hopefully got all the problems were going to have on this trip on the first morning. But that’s another story.

This is just a short note to let everyone know that we got here safely and met up with France this morning. And everything (after that first troublesome half day) has gone swimmingly.


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